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Needle Crafters welcomes new members

Toys and puppets for the foster children’s Christmas party

Toys and puppets for the foster children’s Christmas party

The Needle Crafters welcomes our winter friends and new residents. We invite you to join us on Thursday mornings at the Creative Arts Center. We have a small, friendly group who enjoys various forms of needlework. Each person has personal projects they work on while we sit and visit. Various levels of expertise give us a chance to learn from each other. Several women have learned to knit and crochet in just a few easy lessons, which we offer whenever you are ready.

Along with our individual projects we reach out to the community. In the past we have knitted or crocheted slippers for Eloy residents, lap blankets for a nursing home, hats for the Cancer Support Center, hats for babies in foster care and toys for foster care children. Our current project is producing little toys and puppets for 200 foster care children at a Christmas party in December.

The great thing about our craft is that you can work on it in the car (passenger side only), while watching football, in your backyard or at a friend’s home. So come join us for lots of laughs and a rewarding time together. See you soon!