Diana Oleson
Wow—I don’t know about you, but it seems like the months are just flying by!
So many projects, so little time. Speaking of projects, Tammy Thomsen has embroidered these vegetable pictures with a handmade likeness of each vegetable that hangs from the bottom of the pictures. There are carrots, beets, kale, and potatoes. These were made at her daughter’s request and this is what Tammy came up with—such a clever and talented young lady.
Looking for an indoor project with it being so dang hot out? I have a great suggestion! Come join the Needle Crafters and learn something new, or just come by and see what we are doing. Needle Crafters meet every Thursday at the creative art studio IV, from 9 a.m. to noon.
Lessons and membership are free. If you have questions about Needle Crafters, email dianaoleson1@gmail.com or text 541–671-0634.