Maxine’s watercolor class
Terry Price
A Southwest scene was the picture painted in Maxine’s November 30 watercolor class.
Three of the class members were “first time taking a watercolor class.” They all did great! The class was held in the Gourd Room at the CAC from 9:00 to 4:00 with a lunch break. Class members were Jim Law, Vicki Boley, Melanie Douglas, Dan Riebli and Carolyn Gibson.
Maxine will have a spring class most likely in late March or early April. If you would be interested in a fun day of trying a class in watercolor painting or learning more, this will be your opportunity to find out if you could be a Grandma or Grandpa Moses! The group who meets to paint together at the CAC is a great group of people who enjoy art in all mediums. Come and join us! We are at the time of our lives when we can try a new creative outlet we’ve always wondered if we had talent for but hadn’t had a chance to experience! Please call Terry Price at 360-961-4277 or [email protected]. You will be contacted when the date is decided.