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MasterMind! continues through the summer


MasterMind! trivia activities are alive and well during the summer months. For example, new sets of trivia questions are available each week in the Sports Club coffee area and the Ranch House coffee area. Also, warm up trivia questions are usually distributed on Thursday nights about 30 minutes before the weekly contest in the Tack Room.

Mark your calendars. Tentatively, the autumn 2019 MasterMind! Tournament of Champions will be held on October 22 in the Laredo Room. It is a “Jeopardy” style event with the winner claiming a trophy, prize and bragging rights about being a MasterMind! Tournament champion. Details about the October event will be coming soon, but please start thinking about entering as a contestant. All MasterMind! events are free to both contestants and spectators.

Also, please visit mmindfun.wixsite.com/mysite for sample trivia questions and information about various events. Any questions about MasterMind! can be emailed to [email protected].

Here are some brainteasers that might be of immediate interest:

1. What is the numerical value of the Roman numeral XII?

2. Who wrote The Charge of the Light Brigade?

3. Who is the only U.S. President buried in Washington, D.C.?

4. What is the longest river in France?

5. What was the uniform number for Babe Ruth when he played for the New York Yankees?

6. What German city hosted the 1972 Summer Olympics?

7. What do cherry, better boy, kumato, roma and big beef have in common?

8. What television show featured Archie Bunker?

9. Do hurricanes in the northern hemisphere spin in clockwise or counter-clockwise direction?

10. What brand of rum has a bat as its logo?