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Mah Jongg players give to charity

Mary Beth Fisher

National Mah Jongg players made a $157 donation to Pinal County Veterans Memorial Foundation in 2016, just from ordering the card of hands as a group. The past seven years National Mah Jongg players have donated over $1,000 to local charities.

National Mah Jongg is played all around the U.S. This game is played on a card of hands designed by the League in New York. After the cards are printed any excess cash plus incentives for ordering with a collector is sent to the group for their choice donation.

National Mah Jongg is played in the card rooms at the Sport Center, as a community of players, at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday.

Monday at 12:30 games are played as well as instructional classes in the card room.

Wednesday evening 6:30 p.m. in the card room a game is played.

For instructions contact marybeth5938@msn or 520-371-0853 to set a day. Classes begin October 31.

The second annual Mah Jongg Tournament will be played in the Ranch House in early 2017.