The January watercolor class
Nancy Friedman
On January 18, 19 artists attended a watercolor class given by Paula Lambert and Melanie Douglas. First, Melanie explained the best type and density for watercolor paper, how to tell the correct side to use and finally the appropriate way to divide the paper by tearing rather than cutting. After explaining when painting watercolors one paints light colors first then dark, unlike in acrylics and oils, Melanie then demonstrated numerous watercolor techniques using the wet on wet method, the wet on dry method, various types of salt, bubble wrap, plastic wrap, water spritzing, plastic cards, quill, rubbing alcohol, a toothbrush, a sponge, masking and scrubbing. Paula then “loosened” everyone up with a “splatter, swish and puff” exercise. After we recovered from over “puffing,” she then led the group in doing a simple watercolor painting of flowers.
This class was just one of five classes presented by members of the Fine Arts Guild this season. Due to the overwhelming response to these classes the Fine Arts Guild now has waitlists for the rest of this season’s classes. The Fine Arts Guild is looking forward to continuing some form of educational classes to keep our membership and Robson Ranch residents interested in the various mediums of fine arts. If you are interested in some form of Fine Art (oils, acrylics, watercolors, pastels, colored pencils, charcoal) drop by on a Wednesday to see what is happening or contact one of the Fine Arts Board members as we would love to show you what we create.