Relaxing after an afternoon of golfing
Karen Furu, President
As I am sitting here writing this article, I again am reminded how wonderful it is to be living at Robson Ranch. Being part of this community has given me so many opportunities to try new activities and participate in activities that I have loved for many years. One of those activities is being able to golf with a fun-loving group of women. Lady Lynx is a group of ladies who golf on Thursday to both have fun golfing and to improve their golf game. Two times during the season we have a scramble. The scrambles are in December and March.
Our holiday scramble, which is a golf scramble and an after party, had to be scheduled on two different days. Initially it was scheduled for December. Because of a rainy, windy, cold day we had our party in December. In January we were able to have the golf scramble. Our winning team members were 1st place Mary Lizotte, Donna Sheppard, Marsha Goldstein and Georgie Hart; 2nd place winners were Linda Walker, Barb Wilson, Mary Beth Fisher and Sherrill Simmons; our 3rd place winners were Betty Kumbera, Mary Jo Albrecht, Pat Glenn and Ann Gallager.
Our spring scramble will be on March 16. Tee time is 1:00 p.m. We ask golfers to be checked in by 12:30 p.m. There will be a St. Patrick’s theme party after the scramble. We will also have a brief business meeting during the party. At this spring scramble it is fun to see how festive the outfits can be with a “Touch of the Irish” or an outfit bursting with spring colors. I know it will be a great afternoon for everyone.
Lady Lynx welcomes any woman in the community who is a resident, whether you own your house or are renting. As mentioned previously our goal is to encourage women who enjoy the sport of golf to have the chance to improve their game and have fun while playing. We golf on Thursday afternoon. Many of us after playing meet for a drink on the patio of the Robson Grill. As each group arrives the giggles and stories get bigger and bigger. We hope to see you soon. If interested please contact our new president, Mary Lizotte, at 763-229-2346 or Shelby Davis, Secretary, at 520-444-9852.