Iron Sharpens Iron—Proverbs 27:17

Pastor Chet Kwiat

As this verse tells us, as iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. Real friends don’t just hang out and have some laughs together. A faithful friend will stand up for you, with you, and even on occasion against you if you happen to be in the wrong or are heading for something that will harm you. Real friends encourage one another to become the absolute best that each can be. At times, that may require the uncomfortableness of challenging us. When someone cares for you, they will do just that because it will “sharpen” you, as the Proverb says. It may not be pleasant or even comfortable, but if taken with a humble attitude it can help us become all God wants us to be. Therefore I encourage you to listen to the words of a faithful friend. (Proverbs 27: 6 NLT)

Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy.

As difficult as it may be to hear, those wounds given in love will help to make us better.

Chet Kwiat is the Pastor of Christian Fellowship Church, which meets at Robson Ranch on Saturdays in the Laredo Room at 4 p.m. Services resume on Sept. 7 after an August hiatus.