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Introducing Our Valentine and Member of the Season, Nancy Nesbitt

Tamara Weaver

Happy Valentines Day to everyone at Robson Ranch. The Fused Glass Club would like to introduce our very own Valentine and Member of the Season, Nancy Nesbitt. Nancy was worlds ahead of many of us from the start and was teaching us right out of the shoot. In addition to her brilliance in the studio, she is generous in every way imaginable. Nancy volunteers her skills, knowledge, time, and supplies and always goes the extra mile to help members. Nancy will introduce herself in her bio, but she leaves the bragging to us. Enjoy some pictures of her work, and if you see her at the Ranch, please congratulate her.

Hello, my name is Nancy Nesbitt. I have been a member of the Robson Ranch (RR) community since 2018. I have the pleasure of living only a ½ mile from my parents (also in RR) and about a 1½ hours from an only brother in Quail Creek. As for career, I am a numbers geek working in public accounting and litigation support for 22 years and currently a federally owned R&D lab in Albuquerque.

I took my introductory fused glass class about a year ago. I have to say I am surprised at how much I enjoy it, and it has become my ‘brain relaxation’ activity. I would urge you if you are looking for a no-pressure creative outlet, try fused glass. It is truly a judgment free zone. Members are 100% supportive of one another.

If glass fusion sounds interesting, simply contact Doris Betuel at [email protected]. Doris will be happy to explain the process of membership to you.