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If it’s fall, it’s Pickleball

Welcome back all Pickleball Club members and new residents. We will be starting off the season with a bang with the USAPA Nationals to be held at Palm Creek November 4-14. Thanks to all the Robson residents who are volunteering or hosting competitors. Be sure to check out the action as the best in the county will be going for the Gold.

Speaking of Gold, congratulations to our members who won Gold medals in out-of-state competitions over the summer including the following: Jody and Lloyd Muth, Mixed Doubles, 3.0 and Jody, Women’s Double 3.0 at the Red Deer Open, Alberta, Canada; Bob Buck, Men’s Doubles 3.5, Miracle Ear, Bloomington, MN; and Kandis Larkey and Wayne Campagne, Mixed Doubles 3.5, California Senior Games, Escondido, Ca.

Our board has been busy in October seeking nominations and conducting the election for open board positions. The election was set for October 19; however, the outcome was not available at press time. They have also solicited concepts for a new club logo. Seven impressive designs were submitted and sent to club members for a preliminary vote to narrow the selection down to two. A winner will be determined by a second vote conducted along with the vote on the annual budget the third week of November. We are also happy to announce that a new social committee has been formed, chaired by MJ Wong and Barbara Sewell, to plan some fun social activities for the year.

It’s not too early to start planning for the fourth annual Robson Ranch (resident) Tournament to be held February 15-16. Once again Chuck Bonesteel will serve as tournament director with the help of committee members Mary Burton, Wayne Champagne, Mickie Storckman and Gerard Wittman. The tournament will be similar to last year with awards of Gold, Silver and Bronze and skill levels of 20-2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 3.75. The tournament is open to all Robson Ranch residents, even if they are not a club member. Players do not have to be members of the USAPA to participate. Awards will be distributed at the close of the tournament at the after party, which is still being planned.

For more information on the Robson Ranch Pickleball Club and current play schedule, check out our website and blog at robsonranchpickleballclub.blogspot.com or drop by the courts. New members and beginners are always welcome.