Michael Vodrazka and Arnold Dorman
Pat Sand
On Oct. 15, the Ropin’ In Yer Relatives Genealogy Club held their kick-off picnic at President Dan Wheeler’s house. Dan and his wife, Linda, had an Octoberfest theme for the party. The main entrees were bratwurst and wiener schnitzel. Everyone brought side dishes and desserts. Dan shared his homemade beer with anyone who wanted to try it. No one went home hungry!
The weather cooperated, and attendees could go outside or stay indoors. Ziggy, the dog, was happy to greet everyone, say hi, and search the floor for any dropped tidbits.
People were anxious to catch up since the last time we had a get-together in March. Some paid their annual membership dues to Treasurer Michael Vodraska.
The Schedule of Activities was available for everyone. This lists all the planned speakers and topics for the upcoming 2024-25 year. The year runs from November through March. Meetings are held at 6 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of every month in the Laredo Room of the Ranch House. Dues are $25 for a single and $30 for a couple.