Busy day in the sewing room
Karn King
Robson Ranch Material Girls have had a busy February romancing their fabrics and turning them into quilts! The room and classes were full, and some great techniques were learned! The Big Bag class has been a great success. Sherrill Simmons has taught this class many times as quilters love big bags to carry all their supplies. Joanne Johnson taught an Evening Mist Bag. Bea Pressler taught a Mystery Quilt class. Instructions are given out in sections, and you do not know what the quilt will look like until you have all the pieces. We also had another “Quilt Till You Wilt” evening, and the menu consisted of cobb salad, rolls and dessert. During February there were some quilt shows for the avid quilter to acquire new ideas, tools and patterns.
The Material Girls welcome all residents and their guests to join us. Dues are $20 per year, and you can visit two times before dues are collected. Monies from our dues and profits from our raffle quilt ticket sales support the purchase of fabrics and supplies to make comfort quilts for our own residents who have a serious illness or have lost a spouse. Please contact Bea Pressler at 520-858-5379 if you know a Robson Ranch resident who might need one. The members also make quilts for people in need and worthwhile charities.
This year’s charities include the Eloy Police Department who will have two quilts in their car to give to a child when they have been removed from a home, a fire, auto accident, etc. and the Family Advocacy Center when children being removed from a home are taken here. We will also continue to support the new residents of the Senior Apartments in Eloy by giving them a quilt.
The Sewing Room is open Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. For more information contact Karn King at [email protected] or 520-233-7833.
Come join us for sewing fun and fellowship.