Escapism Through Football and Glass

Garden stake by
Stephanie Koenke

Tamara Weaver

Escaping from the real world is something that we at Robson Ranch should collaboratively rally around and endorse. We should find as many different avenues as possible to create this magic that MerriamWebster termed, escapism. The historical dictionary describes escapism as the “habitual diversion of the mind to purely imaginative activity or entertainment.”

Who can protest that? You won’t hear any dissent from the fused glass members anyway. Many of our members choose to escape by fusing their love of football with glass.

Enjoy the pictures of the projects our members have created engaging in two of their favorite escapisms. We invite you to join us for some real fun and friendship. It’s simple to do. Just contact Doris Betuel at [email protected] to sign up for the beginner’s class. Doris will be happy to assist you and answer all your questions.