You can learn to fly a jet like this.
Butch Spiller
The Robson Ranch Radio Control (RC) Club invites Robson Ranch residents to learn to fly RC airplanes. “It’s a fun hobby and not too expensive to get into” says Butch Spiller, president of the club. The airfield is located at the RC park, just a few minutes from most homes in the community by car or golf cart. Just about anyone can learn and the selection of planes available, from trainers to war planes to flying wings, will suit just about anyone.
The club will assign an instructor to anyone interested in learning. The club also has trainer aircraft for use when training a new pilot, along with dual control wireless transmitters so that the instructor can save the plane if the student loses control. Once you are ready to purchase your own plane, club members will recommend a good choice. A trainer plane with self-stabilization electronics, that is easy to fly for a beginner with everything you need to fly, will cost under $200. When you are ready to do acrobatic flying, you will probably want to invest in more sophisticated planes, transmitters, and battery chargers.
In order to get started, go to the club website at sites.google.com/view/rrrc and download a club registration form. Fill out the form and send it to the club treasurer, with a check for the dues. We will have a club representative make arrangements to meet with you, give you a tour of the RC park, and answer any questions you may have. All members are given codes to the gates so they may enter the field at any time to practice their flying.
For more information, contact Butch Spiller at 770-265-0358.