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Class Day Versus Project Day

The results of a class day

The results of a class day

Nancy Friedman

With more than 68 members this year and growing, the Fine Arts Guild, which resides in the Creative Arts Center, is being challenged to offer members more than just classes. A creative idea came from members Don and Terry Helmstetter, who love watercolors. So, this summer, on Thursday mornings when attendance is low, the Helmstetters offered guidance to a group of eight members who wanted to improve their technique. Fun was had by all and everyone appreciated the mentoring the Helmstetters provided.

While classes requiring a fee will continue mainly for beginners, starting in November, project days are for selected art mediums. Participants in project days must have all their own supplies. Hosting these project days will be monitors who are knowledgeable in the art medium of choice. On a trial basis, the project days are: Tuesday afternoons—watercolor; Wednesday afternoons—colored pencils; and Friday mornings—acrylic. These designations do not mean everyone needs to work on the same project or even the same art medium. The board hopes this change in scheduling will provide our members with more time in the studio to enjoy their art medium of choice.

If you are interested in art, drop by Studio II of the Creative Arts Center and check out the Fine Arts Guild. Many items are for sale at the studio and make for great holiday gifts for friends and family or to enhance empty walls in your home.