Guests viewing the swap meet items

Members and guests looking at items for sale or swap at our monthly swap meet
Alan Friedman
The City of Casa Grande renewed the lease it entered into with The Casa Grande RC Flyers, Inc. on February 20, 2013 and extended the lease terms for another five years. This renewal and extension represented the city’s satisfaction with the club and their involvement in the community. Prior to the renewal the club had to apply for lease renewal annually. This renewal and extension gives the Casa Grande RC Flyers an opportunity to make additional capital improvements to the property and increases the likelihood that the radio controlled flying field could become a permanent addition to the community.
When the city originally leased the 11-acre field to the club, the club added many improvements. They included an entry gate, safety chain link fencing, nine flight tables, a starting bench, pilot stations, a portable toilet, a wind sock, spectator benches, a paved runway and much more. The lease renewal and extension will allow the club to work towards adding a permanent shade structure over the flying tables and additional spectator seating such as bleachers to accommodate the growing number of people attending the club events. A large number of people from around the community have been attending the many club events such as their fun fly contests, swap meets and air shows. The parking lot has been filled to capacity forcing guests to park on the gravel road outside the airfield and walk into the site.
Robson residents are among those enjoying watching the activities. People can expect to see most of the flying every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday starting at about 9:00 a.m. Spectators are welcome to the club field at any time, especially during the swap meets and fun fly contests, which are held on the second Saturday of each month, November through March. The club’s monthly swap meets have food and beverage service. A schedule of the club events can be seen on the club website at www.CasaGrandeRCFlyers.com. Directions to the Casa Grande RC Flyers field are on the club web site at www.CasaGrandeRCFlyers.com.
Membership in the Casa Grande RC Flyers is open to anyone wanting to fly or learn to fly radio controlled aircraft, regardless of their residence. Free lessons are offered by any of eight AMA certified instructors. The club even has a training aircraft and flight simulator for members to use. Membership in the Academy Of Model Aeronautics (AMA) is required because the AMA membership provides the pilot with the required insurance coverage. Details about both the AMA and the Casa Grande RC Flyers are on the club website, www.CasaGrandeRCFlyers.com or can be obtained by contacting Alan Friedman, the club president and AMA Associate Vice President, at his Robson Ranch residence.