Category: June 2017


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Robson Communities named a Top 100 Employer in Arizona

Sherry Jackson,  RCI Corporate Communications Robson Communities, Inc. is proud to have been named by the Arizona Republic as one of the State of Arizona’s largest private-sector employers in 2017. Robson Communities made the list along with other top employers such as Banner Health, which leads the list with more than 43,000 employees in Arizona. Other companies…

New Assistant Restaurant Manager named

Johonna Hoggatt

Hello, my name is Johonna Hoggatt, but I am better known as Jody. I have worked for Robson Ranch for a little over seven years and began as a server. Three years ago I was given the opportunity to be a lead server and now am the Assistant Manager. I’m very excited for this new…

Robson Ranch Ladies’ Social Club news

Kay McMurray, co-chair; Eduardo Gaspar, recipient; Edward Sauceda, recipient; Barbara Crawford, Scholarship Chairman; Bethany Watts-Cruz, recipient; Ann White, co-chair and Frank Jimenez, School Counselor

Barbara J. Engelhardt The last meeting of the winter season took place on May 9. We will have a summer break and resume our luncheons and meetings on September 11. No meeting was held in April due to the unfortunate water main break. This was a very special occasion as we presented $500 book scholarships…

What the Architectural Committee does for you

Becky Sundin Are you getting ready to make a change to your landscaping or would like to build a new pergola or install a fire pit in your back yard? Before you break out the miter saw, make sure to get your plans approved by our association’s architectural committee. Your Robson Ranch volunteer committee members…

Congratulations, Susan Worner, RRLGA 2017 Club Champion

Flight Winners, left to right: 4th Flight: Low Gross Mary Sayer, Low Net Patti Baumann; 3rd Flight: Low Net Robin Barber, Low Gross Cindy Jensen; 2nd Flight: Low Gross Patti Bruchez, Low Net Fran Fowler; 1st Flight: Low Gross Candy Burtis, Low Net Kathy Holwick; Developer’s Cup Winner Barbara Gayer

Bobbie Johnson RRLGA held its Club Championship April 4 and 6. Susan Worner shot an opening round of 85 followed by an 83 the second day taking the title of Club Champion. There was a tie for first low net in the third flight between Robin Barber and Betty Kumbera. A group of gals followed…

An apple a day keeps the artist happy

The Fine Arts Guild closed out its 2016-2017 season with a Colored Pencil Class. Nine of the 15 students are pictured above with their colored pencil painting of an apple.

Nancy Friedman The last class of the Fine Arts Guild for the 2016-2017 season was held on April 19. A DVD by Janie Gildow, a member of the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum Art Institute staff, was shown, which included information about colored pencils and necessary supplies. Then with the guidance from one of her students,…

Word of the Month: Obstreperous

David Zapatka Reader and friend Karen Jorgensen writes, “Dave, I came across a word in a novel that had me pause and reread. The word is ‘obstreperous.’ It was describing the ‘attributes’ of the villain.” Obstreperous – adjective ob·strep·er·ous əb-ˈstre-p(ə-)rəs, äb- Obstreperously – adverb; obstreperousness – noun. 1. marked by unruly or aggressive noisiness: clamorous…

Continue the fun this summer – Robson Ranch Mixed Putting League

Nick Pike, President of RRMXPL, giving instructions to players

A different format was used on Thursday, April 27. The top three ‘gross’ and top three ‘net’ winners were recognized with their winnings being credited to their “My Winnings” card. The results were as follows: 1st Gross: Larry Morin, score 23, $20; 2nd Gross: Ben Blissett, score 24, $15; 3rd Gross: John Burtis, score 24,…

Continue the fun this summer

RRMXPL Winners April 13: Geralyn Osoba and Mary Kindt

Event and Results for April 13 Thank you to the 45+ participants in this week’s RRMXPL. Even with the windy conditions, the two-person teams had a good time. The winners were Mary Kindt and Geralyn Osoba. They were given $18 and the weekly Putting League Trophy complete with a skirt and long hair. Thanks to…

RR Singles Club update

The Robson Ranch Singles Club

Mary Beth Smith The Robson Ranch Singles Club had its third monthly get together Saturday, April 22, at Mary Beth Smith’s home. We had 16 folks attending and quite a few who expressed interest but were not available. It was a great time—lots of laughs, food and learning more about each other. We encourage all…