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Casa Grande RC Flyers board expands

Alan Friedman giving cash and food collected at a club event to the Casa Grande Food Bank

Alan Friedman giving cash and food collected at a club event to the Casa Grande Food Bank

Alan Friedman

Mr. Robert Little of Casa Grande has been added to the current board of directors for the Casa Grande RC Flyers according to club President and Robson Ranch resident Alan Friedman. Mr. Little is a retired city employee who was instrumental in getting the city to approve the use of glow fuel model aircraft at the club’s 11 acre field. Mr. Little brings a plethora of experience in dealing with city government to the current board. His background, knowledge of city departments and contacts will be instrumental in the club’s plan to pave a runway at their current location. The club is working to obtain a 300 foot long by 30 foot wide runway along with a 10 foot by 10 foot helicopter pad for the use of the club members.

Mr. Friedman was recently awarded the Academy of Model Aeronautics’ (AMA) highest level of membership. He was designated a lead member in Flight Support, Administration and Education Support. Mr. Friedman is also an Associate Vice President of District 10 in the AMA, the founder of the Casa Grande RC Flyers as well as the founder of the Robson Ranch RC Flyers.

Currently with a membership count of 224 individuals, the club expects a large increase in membership reflecting individuals in the area who fly glow (gas) fuel powered aircraft. Prior to the City Council meeting in April, only electric powered aircraft were allowed at the club’s field. Membership in the Casa Grande RC Flyers is open to anyone who wants to fly, or learn to fly, radio controlled aircraft regardless of their residence. Free lessons are offered by any of seven AMA certified instructors. First year dues are $40 for the calendar year and renewal dues, after the initial first year, are $25 annually. Membership in the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) is a requirement for membership in the Casa Grande RC Flyers because membership in the AMA provides the pilot with the required free insurance coverage. Details about both the AMA and the Casa Grande RC Flyers are on the club website as well as a list of summer activities planned by the club and other AMA area clubs. The Casa Grande RC Flyers is an Arizona nonprofit cooperation.

The Casa Grande RC Flyers has worked in the past to raise money for local charities including the Casa Grande Food Bank and for national causes such as The Wounded Warrior Project. The club is available to present educational programs about flight at area schools and to scout troops. For more information contact Alan Friedman, the club president, at his Robson Ranch home or visit the club website:  www.CasaGrandeRCFlyers.com.