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Being Salt and Light in the World Today

Nancy Glass and Donna Vande Kieft

Rev. Donna Vande Kieft

Jesus starts off his famous Sermon on the Mount by affirming that his followers are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. He says that about himself initially and then he invites his disciples to share that mission/purpose.

Several years ago, I attended a conference in Seattle sponsored by the Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center (IPJC). At the end of the conference, there was an opportunity for participants to take home the centerpieces that were a round ceramic blue globe representing the world, and there was salt and a small tea light candle inside representing the “salt of the earth and the light of the world.” I have it on an altar with my husband’s urn and a few other sacred objects. Bill was salt and light in the world. I light the candle frequently for him, or when another loved one dies, I light it for them. I have mixed some of Bill’s cremains inside the globe with the salt.

I am dismayed as I drive Jimmie Kerr and see all the trash on the side of the road. Someone left a huge cooking grill recently! What? A little drive-by BBQ? Several Robson Ranch residents, prompted by Nancy Glass have picked up trash along JK in the past. I read on ND that she is inviting people to join her to pick up trash.

Nancy is salt and light in our world. We used to attend the same church, and now we are partners in evangelizing for keeping JK clean, and we invite others to join this mission. Cleaning up is a purifying, healing acta spiritual practice. Two authors I enjoy for their humor and insights are Anne Lamott and David Sedaris. They are both irreverent but passionate in their messages of social justice. They pick up trash in their neighborhoods when they get overwhelmed by the absurdity of life. It helps to get out in the community and do something worthwhile to promote a better environment.

So, I’m donning my trash grabber, my yellow neon vest, gloves, long pants, and my old hiking boots to go out to be a street preacher today. We don’t carry signs or shout at passersby. We just graciously wave and receive their honking support and might proselytize a bit to get them to join the movement.

Then just a little further away from RR is our Toltec Elementary School that needs lots of support and assistance. Their bond for much needed repairs and updating facilities and curriculum was not passed in the recent election. Here’s another mission field where RR neighbors can be salt and light, sharing their tax credit dollars and time to help students become better readers. Let’s be salt and light on JK and Toltec.