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Have you always wanted to try painting but didn’t want to invest in all the supplies needed to see if you would enjoy it? Or thought you didn’t have any artistic ability?
Wednesday, November 16, at 9:00 a.m. is the time to find out for only $25 and three hours of your time. The Fine Arts Club is inviting an artist from the Uptown Art Center in Chandler for a morning of fun with acrylics. You will finish with the painting and be surprised just how much fun you can have with acrylics and perhaps find the hidden artistic streak within yourself. This is open to all Robson Ranch residents, not just members of the Fine Arts Club. The class is limited to 20, so sign up early at the Sports Club. A sign-up sheet can be found in the activities binder at the sports desk. Checks may be dropped off at the CAC on Wednesday mornings between 9:00 and 11:30 a.m. or given to Janet Buckingham or Jillian Moon. For more information you can contact Jillian Moon at 805-705-0374, Janet Buckingham at [email protected], or Nancy Friedman at 876-0232 or [email protected].