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Ropin’ in the Relatives

Sharon Horton Wouldn’t it be a gift if we could look into the future to see what awaits us? To know what we are going to do tomorrow, a week from now or even years from now? To know about our future health, wealth and how long we might live? We can predict the weather…

Wanna’ go bowling?

For a fun afternoon outing why not try bowling? Bowling for Robson Ranch residents is available every Friday at Cottonwood Lanes located on Pinal Avenue in Casa Grande. Show up at 2:00 p.m., pay at the door and bowl as many games as you like: one, two or three. There is no handicap required, and…

Attention Red and Pink Hatters

Please join us at our fifth annual convention. We will be celebrating our return to the Oakwood Ballroom of SL with a Mardi Gras theme. If you are a Red Hat Society supporting member, please join your sister Red Hatters for a day of fun and merriment. Mardi Gras costumes are optional but please respect…

Boo Buffet and Bingo!

Bingo players in scary costumes for Boo Bingo.

It was a dark and stormy night… On Thursday, October 29, the Ranch House was visited by a large number of residents dressed in Halloween costumes ready to play bingo. There was a wide variety of attire from Pickleball Man, White Knight, Day of the Dead, Doctor Shots, a team of witches, hula dancers, an…

2nd annual Cards for Troops event

The Papercrafting Club will be making cards for the Troops on Saturday, February 6, 2016, from 9:00-3:00 at the Creative Arts Center, Studio 2. The Forgotten Soldiers Outreach Organization sends care packages to deployed Troops that include blank cards (such as Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, Thinking of You, etc.) for the Troops to use to…

SOT-AZ thanks residents

Although we don’t have final numbers from our fourth annual golf tournament and second annual auction, we want to thank everyone that participated in our signature fundraising events. Also thank you to our behind-the-scene volunteers that contributed countless hours to the overall success. Membership Drive We are also beginning our annual membership drive, and we…

2 Your Health

Editor’s Note: “2 Your Health” is a new column in the Robson Ranch Views dedicated to health issues. Each month different doctors and or medical associations, from varying specialties, will be writing on issues of importance. Articles are based on experiences and independent research conducted by the doctors or medical associations. We encourage anyone considering changing…

RRLGA opening day golf event “All Par 3’s”

29 ladies participated in RRLGA’s “All Par 3s” opening day.

The Robson Ranch Ladies Golf Association had 29 ladies participate in the opening day golf event “All Par 3s” on October 23. It was a cart-path only day. Our tournament director, Kathy Holwick, made every hole on the course a par-three with a marker to designate where the tee-box was and yardage to the hole.…

New! Adult beginner ballet classes at the Ranch

Ballet at the Ranch

Attention all “Silver Swans.” Robson Ranch is offering adult beginner ballet classes. Ballet classes and barre workouts are great, even for non-dancers. As we age our muscles get tight and inflexible, our joints degenerate, our posture slumps. Adding ballet to your workout regime works different muscles and benefits the upper body, core, posture and flexibility.…