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Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Party

Mark your calendars, and save the date. The annual Shoebox Packing Party will be held Nov. 7 at 1 p.m. in the Hermosa Ballroom. We can use all the helping hands we can get to pack boxes for children in need around the world. Operation Christmas Child is a world-wide ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, sending loving…

Artist of the Month: Meet Bob Smith

Bob Smith, Artist of the Month

Nancy Friedman Bob is an oil painter who started painting nine years ago while still working as a vice president of a major furniture company where he was responsible for the recliner division. He enrolled in weekend adult classes given in oil painting at a high school in Pennsylvania where he took eight classes. When…

Welcome Back Party October 18

The Welcome Back Party will be on Friday, Oct. 18. Doors open at 4 p.m., with dinner at 4:30 p.m. in the Hermosa Room. The Level 9 Band will provide entertainment from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The dance floor will be open. Tickets are $30. This party and social gathering is for everyone, including the homeowners that…

Word of the Month: Carillon

Joe Dias, Missouri State University carillonist, giving us a private concert.

David Zapatka While traveling this summer on the Goldwing, I was fortunate to receive a private tour of Missouri State University’s Jane A. Meyer Carillon. Carillons are the world’s largest instruments, and this one is the largest of all those located in the U.S. Midwest. This carillon is made up of 48 bronze bells and…

The Robson Ranch Singers are back!

After a summer break to rest their vocal cords, the singers are back and excited about learning their new repertoire for the holiday shows Dec. 3 and 4, at 7 p.m. Mark your calendar! Our first rehearsal was Sept. 16, and we spent two hours listening, learning, laughing, and getting familiar with our new songs. Our very talented…

Robson Ranch RC Club October membership drive

Butch Spiller The Robson Ranch Remote Control (RC) Club expects to attract several new members as residents return from their summer homes. The club maintains the Robson Ranch RC Park at the north side of the community. The park has two runways for RC flying and two well maintained tracks for RC car racing. There…

From the new home sales team

Lauren Winkowski Robson Ranch Arizona is excited to introduce 2 brand new inspired home designs – the Lucia and the Vienta. These new plans feature open concept layouts with integrated gathering areas for easy and convenient entertaining. A quick move-in designer home is an ideal option for buyers who want to avoid a lengthy construction process…

Bradshaw Tennis – The biggest tournament in Sun Lakes

Lots of planning goes into the Bradshaw Tournament. Shown holding the banner are Len Vogelaar, Jerry Higgins, Judy Grefsheim, Al Wagner (past co-chairman), Linda Vogelaar, and CTC President Mary Ann Rice.

Penny Petersen The Bradshaw Tennis Tournament, sponsored by the Cottonwood Tennis Club, will take place Monday, Nov. 11 through Saturday, Nov. 16. The Bradshaw is the largest and most exciting tournament of the year for both participants and spectators. Entry is open to all Robson Communities in the area, and all the Cottonwood courts are used for…

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes gear up in September

September finds us gearing up for the annual Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Party on Nov. 7 at 1:00 p.m. in the Hermosa Ballroom. Operation Christmas Child, a Samaritan’s Purse ministry, sends shoeboxes packed with toys to needy children around the world. Through the generous support of our Robson Ranch neighbors, we are expecting to…

2020 Raffle Quilt underway

Jodie Spillar and Deb Ellis putting the 2020 raffle quilt together.

Marie Stuersel The Material Girls have been working hard and having fun this summer creating the 2020 raffle quilt. Making the quilt takes many hands and creative minds to determine the pattern and fabric colors, as well as cut and sew the pieces very precisely together. This year’s raffle quilt committee members are Jodie Spillar…