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And the winner of the RRMG quilt is Janet Kennedy!

Janet Kennedy, who won, and her husband

Janet Kennedy, who won, and her husband

Dottie Welsh, Karn King and Peggy Salo, who made the quilt, drawing the winning ticket.

Dottie Welsh, Karn King and Peggy Salo, who made the quilt, drawing the winning ticket.

The moment finally arrived to draw the winning raffle ticket. The anticipation in the room kept growing and growing; everyone believing “I’m the winner.” RRMG wants to thank everyone for buying tickets. Ticket sales were more for this quilt than other years. Money raised will help us buy more fabric for making more quilts.

So now for all of you looking forward to winning our next quilt, it won’t be ready until the summer/fall of 2016 and will be drawn in April of 2017. Of course, it will be another beautiful quilt and will be king sized! Watch this spot or wander through our studio in the CAC then to see it

This month we donated quilts to Cancer Treatment Centers in Casa Grande for chemo patients to have. Sadly, during this season we gave another 16 quilts to our own residents who have either lost a spouse or are struggling with a serious illness.

The sewing room is quieter these days. Many of our winter residents have returned home. The positive side to there being fewer sewers present is that we diehards can spread out with our projects. Since the emphasis in April was to complete projects, show and tell this month was very busy. Everyone heading north was loaded with their completed projects and fabric brought here for new projects. We had our last Quilt Until You Wilt in April. Everyone who attended made another block for a charity quilt top. Thank you to all our members who helped by putting blocks together into a quilt top, quilting them on the long arm and sewing the binding and label on.

Our yearly election of officers is in March, with our new board taking office on April 1. Our new board consists of: Karn King, president; Annie Arthur, vice president; Jeanette Savage, secretary; Sue Price, treasurer and Peg Salo, project chair.

For those who are not familiar with the Robson Ranch Material Girls, here is a little about us. We welcome all residents and their house guests to join us. You can visit for two times before we collect your dues, which are $20 per year. With that money we purchase fabric and supplies to make comfort and charity quilts. Comfort quilts are given to our own Robson Ranch residents who have a serious illness or lose a spouse. Please contact Bea Pressler at 520-858-5379 if you know of someone you feel might need one.