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A Recipe for Generosity and Community

Bake Sale volunteers packaging baked goods for the sale, front from left: Denise Stuart, Susan Jarchow, Deborah Dorman; back from left: Carla Bennett, Linda Grube, Julie White, Danielle Ferguson, Flo Van Volkom

Christa Quackenbush

“At this stage in my life, there is not a lot I can do. But this is something I can do,” Sandra said. She was talking about her desire to make a meaningful difference in the world—and she chose to do so through baking.

Sandra Ristow, crowned Queen of Hearts at the bake sale volunteers party (photo by Christa Quackenbush)

Four loaves of bread, several dozen cookies, three or four coffee cakes, and about six pies—Sandra baked it all. Her contributions were part of a bake sale organized by the Democratic Club of Robson Ranch to benefit the Parent Support Center in the Eloy Elementary School District. And when she was done, she baked two more pies for the volunteers storing goods in their freezer and another for the person shuttling it all between her home and theirs, the packaging party, and ultimately to the bake sale held outside the Hermosa Ballroom during the Arts and Crafts Fair on Nov. 16, 2024.

Sandra wasn’t alone. She was joined by 34 other bakers and seven additional volunteers who helped package, sell baked goods, create raffle baskets, sell raffle tickets, and assist in countless other ways. Thanks to the enormous collective effort of these volunteers and the generosity of Robson Ranch residents, the bake sale was a resounding success—once again surpassing expectations.

Tracking the exact number of donated baked goods is nearly impossible. So many contributors finish baking what they initially pledged, and then decide to bake a little more. Hundreds of cookies, dozens of pies, mountains of muffins, scones, and bread—all made lovingly from scratch. They do it because they know families in Eloy rely on the Parent Support Center for essentials like food, clothing, and school supplies.

This year, the need is greater than ever. Angela Acuna, director of the Parent Support Center, reported that they are supporting 25 homeless families this year—up from five last year. So, we keep baking! In doing so, we also cultivate camaraderie and a deeper sense of community.

Robson Ranch is a place where compassion thrives. Our community supports a variety of causes, from helping homeless families and veterans to aiding schools, animal shelters, and environmental initiatives. Amid all these charitable efforts, we are especially grateful for the outpouring of support for the bake sale. It’s a testament to the generosity of Robson Ranch residents who open their hearts—and their pocketbooks—to help others.

Change happens when we come together. Breaking down barriers to education and opportunity by providing school kids with basic necessities is a small but powerful step. And sometimes, it all starts with a pie.