Pictured from left to right are BJ Lingren, Marge Mathers (winner of the “Barnyard Animals” raffle quilt), and Barbara Renthal.
Cherie Bates, RRMG-VP
The Robson Ranch Material Girls (RRMG) are very appreciative of the astounding number of members in the club who stepped up in so many capacities to make 2024 a successful and fun year of crafting. Not only did our members make a boatload of quilts for the charities we support, but a cargo ship full of quilted bowls, placemats, tablecloths, and various sundry items for the March and November Robson Ranch Craft Fairs. Volunteer hours by our monitors, club committees, the board of directors, and members in general account for thousands of hours. A heartfelt thank you beyond words! We want to acknowledge each and every person’s contribution with our thanks and awe of the talent we are blessed to have in our midst.
The “Barnyard Animals” raffle quilt was a big hit with the community. Particular thanks to BJ Lingren, RRMG member who graciously designed, constructed, and donated the quilt for our raffle. Thanks to our Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales committee led by Lyn Love. The winner of the raffle quilt this year is Marge Mathers, a Robson Ranch resident. Congratulations, Marge!