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2020 census Complete Count Committee

The 2020 census is only ten months away. Small, rural communities like Eloy, with a primarily Latino population, have always struggled to get everyone counted. Residents are sometimes uncertain if their information will be protected.

Eloy is one of the first cities in southern Arizona to address these potential barriers and has recently gathered trusted voices from the community to create the Complete Count Committee (CCC). The committee is made up of people from all over the city and all walks of life, including Eloy Mayor Joel Belloc and Councilman Jose Garcia.

The CCC has developed an ambitious program that includes getting the word out through print media, radio, social media and word of mouth. CCC members will be participating in events all year to remind the community of the importance of participating in the census.

If you would like more information on the 2020 census, please go to the city of Eloy website at https://eloyaz.gov and click on “Census 2020” under “Popular Links.”