Susan Vaupel

Janet Vaupel
Pat Picune
The Robson Ranch Fused Glass Club is a very active club these days. With precautions taken, there are small-sized classes to learn different glass techniques and also open studio time to learn on your own. Once a month the Fused Glass Club orders glass for all our members from Southwest Art and Glass in Phoenix. We are thankful for Southwest Art and Glass for discounting and in the past delivering glass to the studio once a month. This February was our largest order so far, over $2000 of glass and supplies. Many, many thanks go to Janet Vaupel, president of the club, for organizing the order before submitting it to SouthWest Art and Glass. With a little help from her friends, Susan Vaupel, vice president-administration (and sister-in-law) and Mary Nunn, treasurer, Janet arranged and distributed the glass and supplies. It takes dedicated people to streamline the organization of a club and there are a few people to thank for all the hard work they put in to make a club successful. Thank you to Janet Vaupel, Susan Vaupel, Mary Nunn, and Doris Beutel for all the hard work they do for the club. Keep on fusing!