Paul, CJ and Tom

Allan, AZ and Bill

Phyllis, Susan, Terry, Andy and Kathy
Nothing is better than fall weather in Arizona! Day-time temperatures are below 95 degrees and the sun shines brightly with a light breeze. That’s the time for the outdoor afternoon activities to begin!
The Tennis Club at Robson Ranch hosted two tennis social tournaments this fall already! The first one was with Quail Creek on October 20. It is the first time we have played against this Robson Community. Because of the distance, their club rented a bus to bring the players as well as spouses to our community. They loved everything about it! Breakfast is served at 8:30 a.m. with lunch at 11:30 a.m., but tennis is played all day long.
The other was with SunBird on November 3, which is the seventh annual tournament with them! Like always, the scores were close. One year SunBird wins by one court; the other year, we win by one court. This year it ended up being a tie! So next year both clubs will be playing for the win!
If you are interested in playing tennis, please contact one of the executive board members. All contact information, schedule of play and other pertinent information can be found on the bulletin boards, which are located just outside the Sports Club. Women play on Mondays and Thursdays; men on Tuesdays; mixed on Saturday. The third Friday of each month is Friday Night Tennis. Come join the fun!