Fourth place: Jan Stocek, Layne Jones, “Elvis,” Mary Syer and Carol Ilten

Second place: Dee Lee, Cindy Jensen, “Elvis,” Margaret Erickson and Robin Barber
Candy Burtis
February 9 was a great day for the annual Past Presidents Party! This year the RRLGA past presidents chose “Viva Las Vegas” as the theme and 44 ladies made up 11 teams to compete. After each team played the first hole, they read directions on the next tee box describing how to choose their scores from the previous hole. Directions ranged from using the score of any team members who either saw Elvis in person or his first television performance on the Ed Sullivan show to rolling dice and selecting scores based on the result…plus everything in between!
After golf the ladies enjoyed lunch and a wonderful selection of Las Vegas music. As the festivities continued they were amazed by a surprise visit by Elvis himself! Besides swooning the ladies, he helped distribute prizes to the various winners!
Robin Dunlop, Kathleen Hockett, Joanne Johnson and Debra Parker won first place with the lowest team score, and these new members had not previously played in this event!
Second place was the team of Robin Barber, Margaret Erickson, Cindy Jensen and Dee Lee.
There was a tie for third place, which was broken through a card playoff. Patti Baumann, Judy Brozek, Barbara Gayer and Jeri Srenaski placed third and the fourth place team was Carol Ilten, Layne Jones, Jan Stocek and Mary Syer.
Additionally Char Burrill and Joanne Johnson won lunch and dinner certificates for KP. Jan Kinley and Barbara Gayer also won lunch and dinner certificates as door prizes. Thanks to Sara Cecil for donating these certificates.
Thanks to Jay Wilson for donating a round of golf for four at SaddleBrooke. Shirley Eliuk won this prize because her score was used more than anyone else who played.
Special thanks to Bill Srenaski for providing the great music, Marv Enerson for taking photos, “Elvis” (John Burtis), and Heather Hardesty and staff for a wonderful lunch and decorations.
And thanks to all of the members who participated this year!