Margaret and Simon in the backyard at Simon, Margaret and Bruce’s home
Margaret Erickson has written a delightful book about a very special kitty: Simon.
Margaret and her husband Bruce live here at Robson Ranch six months of the year and in Canada the remaining six months.
It has been on Margaret’s bucket list to write a children’s book, and adopting their special kitty, Simon, was the perfect subject to get this project underway.
Simon the Cat, the Adventures of a Very Special Kitty is based for the most part on true events. Simon was adopted from The Humane Society in Phoenix. At the time they did not really consider the trip of 3,500 miles to PEI, Canada and 3,500 miles back to Robson. Well, luck was on their side; Simon loved travelling, motels and was the best kitty imaginable on the long journeys. The back seat of the truck was made available just for him with lots of comfy blankets and a little litter box on the floor. Simon did not like to avail himself of the litter box while the truck was moving so would come up to the front, tap Bruce on the shoulder and meow. So now two reasonably intelligent adults would pull off the interstate, sit quietly and stare ahead while Simon answered nature’s call, then would proceed again on their journey. To date Simon has travelled over 70,000 miles.
Margaret and Bruce now live in Alberta, Canada, but it is still approximately 1,800 miles each way, a piece of cake for Simon!
The book has two stories: “The Rescue” and “Simon Finds a New Home.” It is the author’s purpose to have children learn kindness, compassion and just how extra special adoption is from reading the book.
When Margaret is asked “What age group applies to your book?” Her standard answer is four to 80.
The book is available for $10 (U.S.) $13 (Cdn.) directly from Margaret. Just call her at 520-876-9180 or drop by North 5500 Globe. Simon also has a website: www.Simonthecat.ca where the book may be ordered (no shipping/handling or tax) or from Amazon (there is a shipping, handling charge from Amazon on orders under $25).
Margaret would like everyone to know that a portion of the profit from the sale of her book will be donated to a branch of The Humane Society in Phoenix in the U.S. and Edmonton, Alberta in Canada, particularly the ASPCA and SPCA.
The Simon the Cat, the Adventures of a Very Special Kitty would make an ideal Christmas gift for children/grandchildren/anyone, and your support is greatly appreciated.
Margaret is in the process of writing sequels to this book, one of the true stories being when Simon who is always kept indoors or safely in an outdoor run managed to get away, was lost for hours and the entire neighborhood turned out to look for him. That’s Robson Ranch at its finest!
Margaret wishes to thank Fran Fowler for providing this article and Dee Lee for being Simon’s photographer.