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New for the Fine Arts Guild: Watercolor Spotlight

Some of the participants from Terry's class were (left to right): Karen Cutrell, Terry Helmstettter, Margie Calhoun, Doreen Beers, Louie Cano, with Susan Halley in the front row.

Some of the participants from Terry’s class were (left to right): Karen Cutrell, Terry Helmstettter, Margie Calhoun, Doreen Beers, Louie Cano, with Susan Halley in the front row.

Nancy Friedman

On the 18th of March, the Guild started Watercolor Spotlight Thursdays on which members with watercolor supplies met to paint selected subjects with Don Helmstetter as their mentor. On the first trial day, the room was filled to our “COVID limited capacity,” which is ten. Those participating the first Thursday were Doreen Beers, Susan Halley, Margie Calhoun, Louie Cano, Terry Absher, Linda Luttrell, Terry Helmstetter, and Karen Kulling.

A couple of comments from the participants were, “It was good to be in class again even if it was a hard project, but I need to be less exacting and more loose in my painting.” “Really great! I cannot wait to sign up for the next one. I learned a lot and I was pleasantly surprised.”

The following week, Terry Helmstetter mentored the class. Comments from her class included, “I learned more water control just by using Terry’s tip. Thanks for all your help, Terry.” Another stated, “I had not realized that we would have both Terry and Don demonstrating. This is a great idea and hope I will be able to continue to make it to Watercolor Spotlight Thursdays, as it appears to be popular!” Most of those attending were repeats with an addition or two. With about half the participants remaining here this summer, the Guild is hoping Watercolor Spotlight Thursdays will continue throughout the summer.

The Fine Arts Guild is looking into a summer project for the acrylic and oil painters called “GOING BIG.” Nancy Friedman and Nils Johnson are challenging members to go beyond the limits of a 16-inch by 20-inch canvas since Susan Halley has donated some large rolls of canvas and Nils has volunteered to frame and stretch a canvas to one’s requirements. Watch for photos later this summer or fall as the project finishes.