Santa flying his reindeer by Ella Kubick

Four standing Christmas trees by Stephanie Koenke

Gnome jar by Janet Krummann
Doris Betuel
The fused glass studio has been a hub of activity in the past few months, as members are preparing for the holiday season! Angels, snowmen, holiday trays, votives, and wall art are making their appearances in the studio. Please check out some winter-inspired projects that are sure to put a smile on your face! The Robson Ranch Fused Glass Club is made up of beginners to seasoned artists who enjoy the creativity of melting glass into one-of-a-kind projects. Monthly refresher classes, continuing education classes, and helpful guidance from our more experienced members are all offered to inspire our members to create many fun and unique projects.
Would you like to get started? Please email Doris Betuel at [email protected] for more information or to sign up for our beginner class.