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Fall Robson Ranch Community Yard Sale a big success

Looking for bargains at the annual RR community yard sale

Looking for bargains at the annual RR community yard sale

“Who will buy this wonderful morning?” As the sun rose over Robson Ranch on Saturday, November 5, the lyrics from the musical Oliver seemed quite appropriate. It was a balmy, beautiful morning, and clearly a large number of people had anxiously anticipated this event. They definitely came to buy!

The parking lot filled up early with residents from neighboring Casa Grande, Eloy and Arizona City joining Robson residents, most of whom were able to conveniently walk to the sale from their homes.

Booth spaces had completely sold out over a month prior to the sale, and there was a bounty of goods to peruse, everything from small trinkets to furniture as well as items created by residents for sale.

Pulling together an event such as this takes a great deal of time and effort by volunteers. A huge vote of thanks is owed to Robson Ranch resident Kathy Saltus for graciously offering to serve as the organizer this year. She, together with her team of “parking brigade” personnel, did an outstanding job in making the event a fun, relaxing and profitable experience for everyone.

This activity is one that Robson Ranch residents look forward to each fall. It is a great way to usher in the return of our snowbird homeowners as well as the upcoming holidays here at the Ranch.