Six members of Desert Threads quilters met the President’s Challenge.
Sue Bart
President Diana Jones challenged members this past spring to make a quilt using only supplies they already had and trying a new technique they hadn’t used before. The most important rule was that the maker could not buy anything new for this quilt. Even the batting and backs had to come from the member’s stash of materials. Six members completed the challenge with beautiful, well-made, small quilts. Each one tried a new technique. At the May 12 meeting, the quilts were displayed and members voted for their favorite. Diana made ribbons using only materials she already had. These were presented to the top three choices.
Desert Threads met in person on May 12 for the first time in over a year. There was sufficient room to social distance. It was tremendous fun to see each other. Much chatting occurred as members greeted each other, renewed friendships, and had fun catching up together in a real meeting. The Opportunity Quilt for 2021–22 was displayed and tickets were available to purchase for a chance to win the quilt. Jody Edwards, coordinator for community service, had kits available for members to take with them to sew quilt tops over the summer. The June meeting was a virtual meeting on Zoom. Our summer meetings will be virtual and informal for social time and show-and-tell of projects members are working on.
Members continue to work on projects, and make quilts for charities using many donated fabrics that have been given to Desert Threads. Some members are meeting in person at various indoor locations to sew together. Gathering together for quilting is keeping members inspired and growing friendships during the hot days of summer.
Meetings are held on the second Wednesday morning of every month. Summer meetings will be virtual meetings. We have several in-person ‘Sew Days’ each month. The Sept. 8 meeting will be held in-person in the Phoenix Room, located at the Cottonwood Country Club in Sun Lakes. Desert Threads is a chapter of the Arizona Quilters Guild, which has very informative virtual lectures and classes every month (see a list of events at arizonaquiltersguild.org). To learn more about how to participate, send an email with contact information to [email protected]. Someone will email or call you. You can also ask for a digital copy of our newsletter.