Players: Jeri Srenaski, Barbara Gayer and Pam Mumy

Check in: MaryLou Walton and Cindy Jensen

The Red Team

Margaret and Simon the cat
The RRLGA held its Red and Green Tournament on December 6, 2016 under sunny skies and no frost delay! Thirty-six ladies signed up for this annual event. Christmas spirit abounded as the Red and Green Teams competed. The Green Team consisting of Jan Kinley, Terry Rattey, Kathy Holwick, Susan Worner, Terry Fondurulia, Lisa Hammond, Kathy Merida, Jean DeChristopher, Margaret Erickson, Pam Mumy, Mary Pryor, Dee Lee, Joanne Johnson, Debra Parker, Adele Wolyn, Joanne Heiman, Jeri Srenaski and Jan Stocek took the prize and the bragging rights!
Tournament Director MaryLou Walton handed out the annual end-of-the-year awards: Most Pars, Betty Kumbera; Most Chip-Ins, Kathy Holwick; Most Birdies, Terry Rattey; Most Rounds Played, Bobbie Johnson; Most Improved Player, Lorna Watts.
Thanks to Heather Hardesty and her staff for a delicious luncheon.