The board of directors and members of SOT-AZ (Support Our Troops – Arizona) cordially invite you to attend our annual meeting in the Cheyenne/Laredo Rooms on Dec. 17, at 3 p.m. The meeting is open to all interested Robson Ranch residents.
- Introduction of the board
- Introduction of former board members, if present
- Treasurer’s report
- Preliminary report of the Veterans Day fundraisers and golf tournament receipts/proceeds
- Report on the silent baked goods auction and the silent wine auction
- Acknowledgement and expressions of appreciation to RR residents for their support and generosity
- Changes in the by-laws for members’ vote; board restructuring, other initiatives proposed and passed by the board
- Reserved dates for 2020 golf tournament and fundraisers
- Recommendations for golf tournament chair
- Nomination of proposed board members to fill three vacancies
- Election of new board members
- Adjournment to be followed by happy hour and meet and greet with adult beverages courtesy of SOT-AZ
Hope to see you!