Rich Cronk serves to his opponents

Linda Gayer and Sue McCloud after finishing each of their sets at Springfield
On Feb. 18, members of the Robson Ranch Tennis Club traveled to Springfield to compete in an intercommunity social tournament. Luckily for us, the rainy, chilly weather held off giving us a beautiful sunny day!
After a continental breakfast, women’s, men’s, and mixed doubles teams hit the courts. Since Springfield lost the tournament that was hosted by Robson in January, they were wanting to even the score. And they did just that! Although the sets were at times pretty close in the score and quite competitive, Springfield won 12 sets to Robson’s 6 sets. Lunch was served where everyone could socialize and get to know players from another community in the Chandler area.
Interested in playing tennis? Check out the bulletin boards, which are located outside the Sports Club. You can also contact any of the executive board members—Linda Gayer, [email protected]; Larry Haisting, [email protected]; or CJ Azaria, [email protected]—to get started.