Sharpen your pencils for JoAnn Bunyea’s class of Drawing Animals on July 9.

Go out of the box (or canvas) with August 13’s class done with sandpaper, water and soft pastels.

A taste of what is to come for October which will be our Mixed Media class.
The Fine Arts Guild has numerous art pieces for sale in a variety of sizes and styles from abstract to detailed. Come visit our studio on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to noon or from noon to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons which are our summer hours.
Once again, the Fine Arts Guild will sponsor once a month Hot Summer Afternoon Art classes starting with scarves, wine bags, sharpies and alcohol for June; Drawing Animals in July and Sandpaper, Water and Soft Pastels in August. Classes lined up for the fall are Perspectives and Palette Knife Painting; Multimedia; Fun with Ink; Watercolor and/or Colored Pencils; plus, Jean Forsyth returns in March for another fun watercolor class. The Fine Arts Guild board will continue to search out more teaching artists to fill our busy season with two classes a month.