Reading Between the Wines

Roving Ranchers Golf Cart Poker Run

Vagabonds Go to Tombstone

Paper Crafters Have Been Busy!

Some U.S. Army History

Ross Dunfee A group of investors from the Virginia Company of London established Jamestown, Va. (May 14, 1607) some 13 years prior to the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth, Mass. (Dec. 18, 1620). The Susan Constant, Godspeed, and Discovery carried 105 passengers on a four-month voyage from England to the Virginia coast, arriving April 1607. As settlements began…

Amazing Gourds!

Three Penguins by Doris Betuel

Doris Betuel The Robson Ranch Gourd Club creates art from gourds. We make beautiful bowls and vases, but did you know you can make many other fun and creative things from the lowly gourd? Gourds come in all types of sizes and shapes and, hence, we can make lots of atypical items from them. Our…

Happy Birthday Ed Robson!

Celebrating 90 years. Initialt leder användningen av anabola produkter för att bygga upp muskelmassa till en förbättring av styrkan, eftersom organismen får ytterligare doser av testosteron eller dess analoger viagra spanien apotek från utlandet och fortsätter att producera sina egna hormoner. Om du tar anabola läkemedel minskar produktionen av ditt eget testosteron, vilket i sin…

Never Too Old to Learn

Diana Oleson I was looking for something to make with all the embroidery thread that I have, and I came across a pattern for crochet earrings. The skeleton earrings and brooch were a lot of fun to make. My next project is going to be to learn to weave, this is something that I have always…

From Where Is the Light Coming?

Nancy Friedman, Co-Educational Director, RR Fine Arts Guild Some of us would like to know when the light will be coming from the end of the COVID-19 tunnel, but this article is not about that intangible light. Since March 15, I am sure everyone has observed and appreciated the little things in life, such as the…